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<p><img src="images/accu.jpg" alt="" class="fr1" />It is a simple yet a remarkably effective way of treating common a well as complicated ailments. Acupressure is known as . 'eedleless Acupuncture. 'ACU', is the Latin word for 'needle' and 'puncture' refers to 'pricking'<br />
<br />
Instead of pricking with needles at the Acupuncture points, hythmic pressure is applied for one or two minutes to balance the energy flow which cures the disease.</p>
<p><strong>Thumb</strong> Fire <br />
<strong>Index</strong> Air <br />
<strong>Middle</strong> Aakash <br />
<strong>Ring</strong> Earth<br />
<strong>Little</strong> Water 


<p><img src="images/mudra.jpg" alt="" class="fr1" />Mudra Therapy is another non-medical mode to treatment which helps without harming. Mudras are various postures of fingers and thumbs. in mudra therapy, different diseases are treated by holding and reatining the fingers and thumbs in different ways. This is simple measure surprisingly restores a state of balance in body and raises the level of the performer's resistance. with the patient's immunity thus strengthened, the disease has no other option but to flee.<br />
<br />
Deficiencies in any of these elements can be made up by connecting one part of the body with another in a particular manner through Mudras. <br />
<br />
When a finger representing an element is brought into contact with the thumb, that element is brought into balance. Therefore the disease caused by the imbalance is cured. Mudras start electromagnetic currents within the body which balance various constituting elements and restore health. The joining of fingers creates an effect on the human body.

<h3><span>Sujok Therapy</span></h3>
<p><img src="images/sujoke.jpg" alt="" class="fr1" />Sujok is natural method of treatment. Any person who has knowledge and minimal logic can learn sujok and treat himself, his family members and others too. The aim of Sujok Academy is to make one sujok doctors in each family of the planet Earth. reatment effectiveness is almost permanent if the practitioner administers complete course of treatment and patient adheres to the advice on changes in life style (exercises, yoga, meditation, etc.) and food regulation</p>

<h3><span>Colour Therapy</span></h3>
<p><img src="images/color.jpg" alt="" class="fr1" />Colors are certain wavelengths of electro-magnetic energy seen through our eyes. The color we see is the part of the visible spectrum that is reflected back by a certain object. We know that when all colors join the result is white light. Therefore working with White Light brings about completeness, oneness, union of all complementary parts.<br />
<br />

<strong>Colors affect us in different ways:</strong></p>
<li>Color is one of the languages of the soul, just look at inspired or meditative paintings.</li>
<li>They influence our mood and emotions.</li>
<li>They have their impact on our sense of well-being or un-easiness.</li>
<li>Colors affect our way of perception (light colors make a space look big, a high ceiling looks less high when painted in a dark color, etc.)</li>
<li>They influence the flow and amount of energy in our bodies.</li>
<li>Colors tell something about biological attraction and sexual availability.</li>

<p>Colour Therapy can provide benefit for a wide range of problems including insomnia, anxiety and asthma.  It often gives good results with behavioural disorders and depression, and can help to restore health.</p>

<p>Nutritional therapy combines science with naturopathy (natural, drug-free medicine) in order to return the patient to a state of good health. Nutritional Therapy is a dynamic holistic therapy that uses food, phytonutrients, therapeutic food supplements and lifestyle changes to modulate disease processes, strengthen vitality and promote optimal wellness. Functional Medicine has emerged as a more positive and productive approach to chronic illness than the traditional disease-based model. Nutritional therapy is wholistic because it is designed to treat the body as a whole - curing the causes of problems, not just the symptoms as is too often the case in conventional medicine.</p>

<h3><span>What can be helped?</span></h3>
<li>Anorexia and bulimia</li>
<li>Anxiety, stress and depression</li>
<li>Bowel problems (IBS,constipation, bloating)</li>
<li>Candida Albicans</li>
<li>Digestive problems</li>
<li>High blood pressure</li>
<li>High cholesterol</li>
<li>Hyperactivity and ADHD</li>
<li>Irritable Bowel Syndrome</li>
<li>Joint and muscle pains</li>
<li>Low energy</li>
<li>Menstrual and menopause problems</li>
<li>PCOS: polycystic ovary syndrome</li>
<li>Skin problems</li>

<h3><span>Diet &amp; Nutrition</span></h3>
<p><img src="images/fn.jpg" alt="" class="fr1" />Nutritious food is one that contains all the essential nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. A well balanced diet should contain all these in correct proportions and adequate amounts. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates provide the energy required for various activities. Vitamins and minerals do not supply energy but play an important role in the regulation of several essential metabolic processes in the body.</p>

<h3><span>Diet Plan</span></h3>
<p>Yoga sadhna has professionally qualified dietitians & Naturopath  who consult on an individual basis. These accredited dietitians can help you with a weight or cholesterol problem, give advice on food services, or give lectures as required. We can also help with nutritional queries and information, and assist you with a wide range of nutrition and food related health problems.</p>
<li>Personal Diets</li>
<li>Therapeutic Diets</li>
<li>Lifestyle Diets</li>
<li>Corporate Diets</li>
<li>School Diets</li>
<li>Telophonic Diets</li>
<li>Weight Loss Diets (Women)</li>
<li>Weight Loss Diets (Man)</li>
<li>Weight Gain Diets</li>
<li>Muscle Gain Diets</li>
<li>Detox Diets</li>
<li>Low Calorie Diets</li>
<li>Hypertension Diets</li>
<li>Diabetes Diets</li>
<li>Gym Diets</li>
<li>Teenage Diets</li>
<li>Uric Acid Diets (HYPERURICEMIA)</li>
<li>Weight Gain Diets</li>
<li>Blood Pressure Diets</li>
<li>Blood Group Based Diets</li>
<li>Detox Diets</li>
<li>Diabetes Diets</li>
<li>Family Diets</li>
<li>Gym Diets</li>
<li>Healthy Skin, Hair &amp; Nails Diets</li>
<li>High Cholesterol Diets</li>
<li>Heart Disease Diets</li>
<li>High Protein Diets</li>
<li>Infancy Diets</li>
<li>IBS Diets</li>
<li>Kids Diets</li>
<li>Kidney Diseases Diets</li>
<li>Liver Diseases</li>
<li>Bride/Groom Diets</li>
<li>Celebrity Diets</li>
<li>Sports Diets</li>
<li>Models Diets</li>
<li>Optimum Health Diets</li>
<li>Good Skin, Hair and Nail Diets</li>
<li>Organic Diets</li>
<li>South Indian Diet</li>
<li>Sports Diets</li>
<li>Muscle Gain Diets</li>
<li>Organic Diets</li>
<li>PCOD Diets</li>
<li>Online Diets</li>
<li>Pre Pregnancy Diets</li>
<li>Post Pregnancy Diets</li>
<li>Menopause Diets</li>
<li>Thyroid Management Diets</li>

<h3><span>Preksha Meditation</span></h3>
<p><strong>Preksha Meditation: A path of Self Realisation and Eternal Joy!</strong><br />
Nurture the practice of Preksha or Self-Perception to see your own self. Blossom with Preksha Meditation to connect with your soul at its most profound level and achieve a state of super consciousness. This blissful meditation purifies emotions and conscious, nullifies negative vibes and is a technique for attitudinal change, behavioural modification and integrated development of personality!</p>

<p><strong>Know how Preksha meditation enriches life:-</strong></p>
<li>A highly effective relaxing de-stress practice. Calm downs mental &amp; emotional turmoil!</li>
<li>Enhances mental abilities, concentration level, creativity, will power, intuition and insight!</li>
<li>Turns body into a powerhouse of energy with enriched immune system &amp; vital energy!</li>
<li>Helps in getting rid of harmful habits, phobias and permanently transforms personality!</li>
<li>Awakens the hidden limitless knowledge, energy and bliss within! </li>
<li>With Preksha Meditation journey far beyond conditioned mind, beyond thought, beyond form &amp; discover your being! Alas, Evolve as a Peaceful, Enlightened, Happy Person~!!</li>

<p>Preksha Therapy is a process of catharsis, which purges out psychological distortions such as cruelty, hatred, retaliation etc. It is physio-psychotherapy to cure physical, mental and emotional sicknesses of the individuals. It is a proper and powerful therapy to annihilate the root causes of all social evils and disorders. Once the root causes of physical diseases, mental imbalances and emotional distortions are removed, there will emerge a state of unprecedented individual and social health.</p>
<p> <strong>The Three Dimensions of Preksha are:</strong><br />
The main objective of Preksha Therapy is just not to acquire physical goodness but to acquire total 'psychical' goodness by eradicating all evil from one's thoughts, speech and action.</p>

<p>Physical Problems</p>
<li>Debility ( Physical Weakness)</li>
<li>High Blood Pressure</li>
<li>Low Blood Pressure</li>
<li>Heart Weakness</li>
<li>Respiratory Disorder</li>
<p>Mental &amp; Emotional Problems</p>
<li>Bad Dreams</li>
<li>Negative Emotion</li>
<li>Imbalanced Mentality</li>
<h3><span>Mantra Meditation</span></h3>
<p>In  Sanskrit, the word "Mantra" implies – ‘a liberator of mind’.A mantra is composed of potent sound syllables that are capable of influencing the human system both physically and spiritually. </p>
<p>Many seed letters and terms or phrases that can be recited incantatory are available for chanting. Among these, 'Aum', 'Hreem', 'Shreem' 'Kleem' etc., are seed letters. These are invested with great powers. An articulation of a word generates special kind of sound waves and vibrations, which influence our mind.</p>
<p>Naturopathy comes under Alternative therapy. Alternative therapist / Naturopathic practitioners are split into two groups, traditional naturopaths and naturopathic physicians also known as alternative therapist. Naturopathic physicians / Alternative Therapist employ the principles of naturopathy within the context of conventional medical practices.Other alternative therapies are-accupressure, acupuncture, yoga , panchkarma, magnetotherapy, water therapy(hydrotherapy),mud therapy.Adopt Naturopathy and yoga with the guidance of Alternative therapist for better treatments.</p>

<p>Mud is a part of our body as human body is made up of five elements Air, Water, Earth, Fire &amp; Space. Mud is obtained from earth, when mud is applied on the body for the purpose of treatment it fulfills the requirement of earth element in our body. 	</p> 
<p>Mud also has got many medicinal values it contain minerals like zinc, selenium ,sulfur, etc. so it can be used for skin disease, mud stimulates the sweat glands there by helping in elimination of toxins. Mud therapy is one of the best way to erase the effect of aging from the skin.</p>
<p><strong>Local :- </strong><br />
In this form of application, mud is applied to the particular part of the body to get desired effect. It can be applied in the form of packs or direct application to the part can be made eg:- Daily application of mud to the abdomen, regulates the function of abdominal organs there by improving digestion.</p>
<p>Scientific Massage having its effect on all the  body like blood circulation, glandular system. Muscular system is greatly influenced by massage therapy. During massage blood flow to the muscles will increase to a greater intensity thereby improving all the function of muscles &amp; strengthening them. It is found that when massage is given Red blood cell Count is increase in superficial blood vessel, this shows oxygenated blood supply for skin, thereby enhancing functional activity of skin. Numerous variety of herbal &amp; aromatic oil used for massage.</p>
<p>Analgesic effect of massage useful in treating painful disorders like Neuralgic, Arthritis headache lumbar spondylosis Cervical spondylosis, myalgia etc.</p>
<h3><span>Hydrotherapy</span></h3><br />
<p>Effects obtained by water are stimulant, sedative, Tonic diuretic, emetic, antipyretic, expectorant, antispasmodic etc. 	</p> 

 		<p><strong>Hip Bath</strong><br />
Person made to sit in a small tub filled with water where whole abdomen comes in contact with water, it influence all the abdominal organs, helpful in coming all the ailment related to digestive system eg:- dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Gas formation etc.	</p>
<p><strong>Spinal bath</strong><br />
Spinal bath tub is designed in a such a way that water comes in Contact with whole spine & its surrounding area. Given in case of High blood presser, Insomnia, Tiredness &amp; Nervous weakness. </p>	 

<p><strong>Immersion Bath</strong><br />
In this type of hydrotherapic treatment whole body is immersed inside the water with head remaining outside. Effect obtained by Immersion bath can be modified by giving friction during the bath or by adding some salts having analgesic effect eg:- Mg So4, Nacl2. This gives fast relief in painful condition. This type of treatment increase blood circulation all over the body and enhance activity there by helping in elimination of toxins.</p> 

<p><strong>Jacuzzi</strong><br />
This also same type of treatment as immersion bath only the difference is made by pressure forced inside the water during bath. In Jacuzzi tub different points are made from when water will thrown out with force inside the tub. This force of water gives pressure to different body parts and there by increasing therapeutic effect of water. It gives pure water supply to all body part relief congestion.</p> 	 

<p><strong>Spinal Spray</strong><br />
In this bath tub has got an metal rode provided with small pores in It. Patient while lying down on his back in such a way that water will spread out on whole of his spine with amount of pressure. This will stimulate Nervous system effective in case of Nervous irritability hemiplegia, Neurasthenia, back pain etc.</p> 

<p><strong>Arms &amp; foot bath</strong><br />
In this treatment arms &amp; feet are placed inside the water Varying temperature, whole of the body congestion, helpful in case of headache, Asthma sinusitis, migraine.</p>

<p><strong>Steam bath</strong><br />
Here moist heat is passed to all body parts stimulating glandular activity, increase blood circulation, open up the skin pores them by helping in elimination of toxins.</p>

<p><strong>Sauna Bath</strong><br />
Sauna bath has got some effect as steam only the difference is in Sauna bath dry heat is passed which may cause suffocation &amp; skin imitation so it should be avoided in weak people, old age and patient suffering from heart disease.</p>

<p><strong>Full wet sheet pack</strong><br />
Full body is covered with cotton cloth wet with cold water, which will covered by woolen blanket. This will reduce body temperature, increase elimination, activate skin function. Given in case of obesity, toxicity, bodyache, fever.</p>

<p><strong>Yoga market</strong><br />
Yoga Rugs <br />
Yoga mat</p>

<p><strong>Neti Pot</strong></p>
<p><strong>Power Mat</strong></p>


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<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Back Pain">Yoga for Back Pain</a></li>
<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Allergy">Yoga for Allergy</a></li>
<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Arthritis">Yoga for Arthritis</a></li>
<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Hypertension">Yoga for Hypertension</a></li>
<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Menstrual Problems">Yoga for Menstrual Problems</a></li>
<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Obesity">Yoga for Obesity</a></li>
<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Thyroid Disorders">Yoga for Thyroid Disorders</a></li>
<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Diabetes">Yoga for Diabetes</a></li>
<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Eye Problem">Yoga for Eye Problem</a></li>
<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Hernia">Yoga for Hernia</a></li>
<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Insomnia">Yoga for Insomnia</a></li>
<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Migraine">Yoga for Migraine</a></li>
<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Respiratory Diseases">Yoga for Respiratory Diseases</a></li>
<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Frozen">Yoga for Frozen</a></li>
<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Skin">Yoga for Skin</a></li>
<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Gastric Disorders">Yoga for Gastric Disorders</a></li>
<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Asthma">Yoga for Asthma</a></li>
<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Anxiety">Yoga for Anxiety</a></li>
<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Heart">Yoga for Heart</a></li>
<li><a href="services.html#Yoga for Hair Fall">Yoga for Hair Fall</a></li>



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