Yoga sadhna has been successfully organizing Yoga Training and Therapy workshops and programmes for various organizations. We have devised a very short duration Yoga Training programme called "Find out how you can maintain your fitness in 20 mins Yoga". It is the bitter fact that youngsters working in call centers are thronging hospitals, complaining of health problems, resulting directly from their work schedules. Pills aren’t always a solution. Yoga, during work, will definitely help. It is believed that 20 minutes of meditation is equivalent to four hours of sleep. So those working all night will get relief from yoga and meditation. In this package special Asanas will be taught to youngsters working in these BPOs to suit their problems. Pills aren’t always a solution.Yoga, during work, will definitely help. It is believed that 20 minutes of meditation is equivalent to four hours of sleep. So those working all night will get relief from yoga and meditation. In this package special Asanas will be taught to youngsters working in these BPOs to suit their problems..
This programme is ideally suited for the busy, time-starved business executives, professionals, student and businessman. It can be practiced at any time, anywhere and by anyone. It requires no special arrangement and can be practiced in the office or shop. It is specially suitable for Call centres and BPO workers.
Are those endless night shifts at the call center taking a toll on your health? Rising cases of spondilitis, hypertension, insomnia, fatigue, nausea, chronic headache, coronary malfunctions, back pain, computer syndrome and dry eyes among youngsters working in India’s BPOs have prompted us to undertake its study of how yoga sessions in call centers can help employees cope with stress and long working hours.
We have designed yoga packages to help people from BPO industry focusing on call centers in Delhi & NCR i.e. Noida, Delhi and Gurgaon. It is just 30-minute sessions, every day or thrice a week.It is scientifically proved that yoga makes call center’s employees healthy, productive and alert. This is the time when all BPOs should start yoga sessions in their office in larger interest of the employees and the organization itself.It is the bitter fact that youngsters working in call centers are thronging hospitals, complaining of health problems, resulting directly from their work schedules.
Many youngsters are unable to cope with odd working hours. Most of them bear physical, emotional and mental symptoms. Those perpetually doing night shifts sometimes can’t deal with daylight. They behave aggressively and become intolerant. Yoga can really help these youngsters.
We can offer private classes for individuals seeking
one on one attention for their yoga practise. Private yoga classes can be used to address concerns such as injuries, therapeutics, energy balancing, and can even be used to transform bad habits, including postural misalignments and behavioral patterns. The benefits of private classes are immense in case of any medical ailments related to the body as it empowers you with the tools and practices customized to your unique needs
Corporate yoga is more than just exercise and relaxation; more than a general yoga class; more than a conventional course in stress management. It is a complete programme of mind-body health, and personal challenge and acceptance.
Yoga for stressed employees can help minimizing absenteeism, reduce burnout, build team spirit and motivation and enhance productivity. Employee wellness and health can be improved by introducing yoga into their lives, it leads to a better outcome for both employees and employer. The benefits are immense and with our meticulously designed program which includes the practice of "asana" coupled with meditation and correct breathing which can provide them with tools to deal with stress not only at the workplace but also in their personal lives.
It is not the time to worry about but the time to do something that would give you permanent solution. You may find many other ways in the market for loosing weight but be cautious they are not free of risk. Yoga as holistic healing approach is an efficient tool to achieve your ideal weight with best of shape. Power Yoga program will not only make you feel better in your body and achieve your ideal weight but also improve your eating habits and alleviate digestive disorders, chronic conditions, allergies, asthma. You will be confident in choosing better food for you as well as experience a lasting increase in your energy and vitality
No matter how much excess weight or fat you have, if you want to lose weight permanently, your diet program should be directed toward a slow, steady weight loss. According to an official government dietary guidelines, unless your doctor feels your particular health condition would benefit from more rapid weight loss, you should expect to lose no more than 2 pounds/ 1kg of fat a week, although initial loss (mainly water) may be greater. Losing more weight is no guarantee that weight loss is likely to be permanent.
Yoga gives a wonderful foundation to the spine when started at young age. Children adopt the postures more easily than the adults. Also children have wonderful abilities to concentrate, if they are interested in something. Hence, kids yoga is conducted in a playful manner, to stimulate their interest.
Yoga can help an expecting woman to have the best possible pregnancy and delivery. It helps get away with the fear and trauma associated with pregnancy and delivery. It helps to get rid of morning sickness, pain in legs and back, high blood pressure and all other symptoms requiring attention during pregnancy. It also encourages a positive environment for the foetus. Also find a healthy way to lose weight after the delivery
Scientific yoga removes many problem of women. The practice of the yogic exercises including Pranayam, acupressure and a woman to effectively deal with problems like obesity, anaemia, reproductory disorders, depression, hair loss, thyroid and many more. An array of asanas and home remedies for achieving a healthy mind, a beautiful body and a vibrant life for women.
Yoga & Pranayama classes for physical fitness because increase your body flexibility, stamina, Improve your health day by day and many diseases cured.
Yoga gives a wonderful foundation to the spine when started at young age. Children adopt the postures more easily than the adults. Also children have wonderful abilities to concentrate, if they are interested in something. Hence, kids yoga is conducted in a playful manner, to stimulate their interest.